Saturday 27 September 2014

Music Video Analysis: Fidelity - Regina Spektor, t?v=wigqKfLWjvM

This music video - Fidelity - is by Regina Spektor who is the artist of the song that we are using for our own music video (You've Got Time).

This music video is more narrative based with very little performance in it, the only performance we see in it is the artist herself playing the piano in various parts of the video. 
For our music video the performance and narrative is going to be 50:50, we will also be including a wide range of instruments and singing performances within it instead of it being based on one instrument like this music video Fidelity. 
The mise en scene in this video is based on black and white colours, the different area within the home. which is the location, have black and white flooring, walls, and props, this also links with the colour of the piano which is also black and white. The arists clothing is also black and white, this includes her dress and shoes, even her nails are painted black to fit with this mise en scene. Our mise en scene will be different too this, there will be many different locations that will not include a house or home, and the clothin we are using are indie rock, bright colours to make people stand out. 
The meaning of the word fidelity is 'faithfulness to a person, cause, o r belief, demonstrated by continuing loyalty and support'. The song for me represent a woman who does not want to fall in love and does not want to change her life, hense the black and white theme throughout that does not change until the end. By the end of the video clip colour comes out when she drops a heart necklace and a man appears and they have fun with colour dust, this shows that she has allowed herself to come out of her normality and fall in love. The colour in the whole video clip has a big representation and for our music video we have an apple that plays a part in representation a the meaning of our song is watching people pass you by and being stuck in one place, we have come up with the idea to make this person very jealous of the people that pass by her which makes her go crazy and does bad things that are sinful, the apple represents the sin that the girl is doing.
The camera work in this music video is very repetitive, the same shots are repeated in the same area of the same location and the same position is kept throughout until two minutes into the video.The takes are quite long as the song is quite slow but by the end of the song when she finds 'her man' and colour comes into the video the takes are short and fast. Our song is fast throughout most of it which means our shots need to be snappy and fast, 

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