Friday 26 September 2014

Target Audience Feedback Analysis

Through our use of Facebook we managed to get 30 people to answer our questionnaire. We have taken the time to analyse the results in the hope that this will help us in what to focus on certain aspects more specifically when it comes to the music video. 

Noticing that our main demographic is 17-18 year olds, most likely as this is the audience we attracted to answer the questionnaire through Facebook because of this when it comes to future audience feedback we will include people from this age demographic as they seem more interested in an alternative rock video, and would be most likely the be the audience who watch rock/indie genre videos. 

Most of the people who took the questionnaire are female, however this is most likely because of who we have on Facebook. However we have tried to to balance who is answering the questionnaire by targeting males, who stereo typically would be more interested in the alternative rock genre. However we do value the opinions of both male and females, as they both have different ideas of what they want to see in our bands genre, and therefore we can try and aim the video at both genders. 

Shown through this question our target audience wants to see a mixture of narrative and performance, which is a convention for many music videos. We are happy about this answer, as we do want to stick to conventions and include a mixture of both narrative and performance. 
Our main character does depend on the acting ability of them. However we were thinking a female main character would be great for our current storyline we are developing. Since the song is sung by a female and after annotating the lyrics which have a feminine theme to them, we feel a female lead would be more appropriate for the music video.
Since the target audience agree we will make sure we are looking for a female lead who will be available to let us film them.

The fact the people want more of a short storyline means that we will have to find a way to express our storyline quickly through a use of quick shots. This may make it more difficult for us to creative a short storyline, however is our target audience wants it to be relatively short we will make sure that it is still understandably for them in that time. 

Since we are doing an alternative rock song we need a video to suit this. We are happy that most of our target audience agree that a dark storyline would be better suited with the genre and most of the target audience agree to. Since many of them didn't like the idea of a relationship based storyline we will avoid this when creating the officially storyline. 

A lot of our target demographic they agreed that something to focus on was locations. We are going to be going location spotting soon and with this information will look in many spooky places in order to stick to the dark story line. However many of them thought a heavy focus on instruments would be needed as well in order to stick to the conventions of a rock video. When it comes to editing we will make sure that on key musical moments of the song their is focus on the instruments. 

Location has been established to be important when it comes to a alternative rock video. We asked our target audience where they think would be best for location and this shows that Forrest is a popular way to represent a rock video. Abandoned places was also a popular choice, with the most surprising being houses, in which we would make look dark and creep to stick to the genre. This has been helpful as when it comes to location spotting these will be the places we target to see if we can use them within the music video.

Overall the questionnaire has been helpful to us. We have a good idea at what our target audience is expecting from our alternative rock music video, including locations we should aim to include and how long the actual music video should be. We also have an idea on who our target wants to see in the lead role of the music video, which is a female, which means that we have to narrow our search to female actors who will be willing to star. We will be gathering audience feedback along the way to ensure that our music video is attractive and interesting enough for them to watch.

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