Saturday 27 September 2014

Music Video Analysis: Monster - Paramore

This is a music video by Paramore, who are a rock band which is a similar genre we are using, use which is fast paced and has quick shots throughout the while video, our song is very much like this which means we will also need to use quick shots instead of long shots as the song is fast paced. The music video is 50:50 narrative and performance, this is also something that we will be doing within our music video. The video very much shows exactly when the guitar is playing and the drums and the singer and sticks to the beat of the song well, cutting to the next shot at the most conventional bit, which is something we will do as we have a guitarist, pianist, drummer and a singer, therefore when there is a drum beat we want to show the drums and when there is a piano bit we want to show the piano being played, as this shows us sticking to the conventions and is something that is expected from face paced music and videos. The narrative of the music video is quite strange it is hard for the audience to figure out, but they make there lyrics match what the video shows, for instance the first line of the song is (You were my conscience, so solid, now you're like water And we started drowning, not like we'd sink any further) and the video starts with the girl in water looking like she is about to drown. We want to do this as our first few lines include animals being trapped in a cage, so our idea is to put people in an actual cage, we want to make our narrative quite quirky and different which can offer alternative meanings for audience members to figure out. The ending of the song is like a cliffhanger as you don't know what happened next, we want to try to create something like this of our own for the ending of the music video, leaving the audience wondering what will happen, which adds an element of surprise to the music video and also leaves the audience with their own interpretations on what would have happened.
The use of mise-en-scene in this music video suits what the music video is all about, and the mise-en-scene is also demonstrated through slow pans at the start or in the slow bits of the song. This shows how these particular props are important for the music video narrative and should be appreciated by audiences. We want to portray this in our own music video, with the emphasis on certain props that we have used and will need to be remembered throughout the music video, we also think mise-en-scene is important for the music video, as it reflects the charatcer and is crucial for the story line, which is why we will make sure our props and costumes suit the genre and reflect the band and narrative well. 

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