Saturday 20 September 2014

Music Video Analysis: Yeah Yeah Yeahs - Sacrilege

Music Video Story line:
We chose to analysis this video as it is shot in reverse, something we are considering doing for our down video. The over all story being in backwards shows how the main female protagonist looking like the victim, being tormented by a group of men. As the video continues to move back through the story we see what looks like a witch hunt for the girl, however it is soon revealed that the true culprit is the woman protagonist, as she is shown to be sleeping with all of the men that have tracked her down. To produce the reverse video, the director has done it in a non linear format, meaning the audience seems the same bit of footage but from a slightly different perspective. In this music video we all enjoyed how the story line was not as it seemed and had dark aesthetics the whole way through. We want to reflect this into our own video by having sinister themes throughout to reflect our chosen song. We also like the ideas as everything is not as it seems in the music video, how the main female protagonist looks like the victim, however through the course of the video is shown to be cause of the mania.  

Band style:
The video does not show any band performance within it which is unusual for a music video. However the reverse video does reflect a more indie band style, which is what the Yeah Yeah Yeahs represent. The style of the video is perfect when it comes to representing the song lyrics 'Sacrilege' as the main female protagonist would be considered sacrilege.
        The band style is also shown through the Mise-en-scene of the music video, as it is set in a small communal town/village and includes characters commonly found in small communities such as a priest and sheriff. In our video we are trying to use locations that have more of an indie stereotype to them including forests, urban locations and more secluded spots, all shown in this music video. 

Lighting used is Sacrilege is mainly dark and red. The red is originally seen by a police car light and the reflection of the fire. The red light representing the blood shed that has been spread on that night. As the video moves backwards and the female protagonist is running through the woods, the lighting of the scene becomes lighter. However the scenes of the masked man are still dark, with red reflecting of the characters faces showing a which hunt.The overall lighting on the music video is dark, with police sirens adding a darker side to the shots. From this video we enjoy the dark lighting that reflects characters moods in the music video, this is something that will be well reflected in our music video which has a similar sinister theme, from this in some of the more sinister shots we will be considering colour lighting, such as dark colours including: Black, Brown, Blue, Red and light colours such as Yellow. 

Camera Work:
Within the music video there is many close up shots, this to represent the story line that will be used. There is also tracking shots used to see the girl when she runs away from her captures. We also like the flowing movement of the shots and the use of high angles and low angles to represent the vulnerability of power of some of the characters.
From this we have taken many shots of when the main female protagonist is running through the streets, as we plan on using shots like this. The camera moves with the protagonist something we aim to replicate, we also want to have different angles of the protagonist running to give it a more professional look. We also will be using the close up idea, by having close ups of some of the sub story line actors in order to add more mystery to the sinister story line. 

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