Tuesday 23 September 2014

Florence + the Machine: Advert Analysis

We have chosen to analyse a Florence and the Machine advert as they are in the same genre as Utopia. This advert appealed to us as the use of dark colours and a deep red which make it very mysterious and makes the audience think that the story lines of the songs will be dark and deep to. There is an element of light pink flowers subtly in the background, showing that not all story lines will be dark and sinister; or featuring in the dark story lines will be some happiness. The use of white on Florence’s dress shows that she herself is pure, but portrays that others are not.  But the usage of her black nail varnish shows that she isn't all innocent.
The title ‘LUNGS’ is very striking and uses San Serriff font, which makes it look quite old fashioned, representing the bands style. Also just having one word as the title make it seem more striking and draws you onto the title after the image. The lighter font of the ‘Florence + the Machine’ gives the advert a softer feel, letting the audience know the whole album isn't as hard core/eerie. The use of a simple date and simple information on what is included if you buy the album is affected as not giving the audience to much to read and letting them concentrate on the image and title, makes the audience feel like they’re enjoying the advert and not reading an article. From this advert we will be using the deep red and dark colours to represent our story line of sinister and twisted things. Also we are having our singer in a long white dress to show that she is pure, making her seem more of a story teller, but also with a hint of darkness to her will be incorporated into the outfit, keeping in with the dark theme. We will also use the striking one word name with a bold font so the audience eyes will be drawn to that after the image, remembering the band’s name by making it stand out. We will include a softer font into our advert to give it a lighter feel, like the Florence + the Machine advert; as we don’t want the whole advert to just give off a darkness feel. The use of using simple information is affective and we will be using that. Making the audience think they are reading less by only using single words or short sentences and making the advert image dominated, this will keep the audience interested and not make them feel looking at the poster is a chore. 

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