Sunday 21 September 2014

Music Video Analysis: Paramore - crushcrushcrush
Paramore has a a similar genre to our song - with their genre being rock.
However the music video is great for the analysis of performance shots, and the song is also fast paced, with a slow paced section and an instrumental which is a similar layout to our song. The overall layout of this song is mainly performance, with the narrative elements in the song mainly including the band.

Performance: In terms of performance there is the main singer at the front, drummer at the back and two guitarists to the side positioned slightly behind the main singer. The performance factor of the video is the main aspect and story line.
Shots: There is many close ups of the main artist (Haley Williams) used singing into the microphone with an angry facial expression which reflects the tone of the song. Haley Williams also has mid shots/long shots in which you see the artist dancing around to the music, looking like she is involved in the song which can be attracted to a rock audience. There is many close up side shots of Haley Williams as well as she sings into the microphone, this could be to represent the main artist as the main person in the band and the face of the band. This is also to show Haley Williams as she sings key moments of the song.
       The shots of the band are quick and last no more than a second. For the other band members there is low angles used to show that the band is in a position of power in the song and over all, from the low angles the camera moves back to show the instrument being played. This could be to fully demonstrate the bands talent with there musical instruments and also reflect the hardcore rock side of the band as we zoom out to see them moving around to the song.
       For the drummer we see many wide shots used so you can see the full drum kit and the drummer playing it vigorously in the song. We also see a zoom out of the wide shot to show the location of where the band is which seems to be a desert.
There is pan left to show the whole band on the slower music moments. However when the song reaches its climax where all the band are rocking out on the instruments, the camera starts to shake in order to represent that the bands music making even the fictional world they are in have an earthquake.

Setting: The setting for the band is in the desert, this could be to represent the song which could represent how the main protagonist in the song is feeling deserted and alone - The desert reflects this. The desert could also reflect the band style - possibly showing it to be unique.

Lighting: The lighting comes from the sun in the background - which also could reflect the elements theme - The back ground of using the sun creates great band shots. There is also shots of the band when the sun is setting which gives a dark cast over the band, reflecting the dark nature of the rock song.

Narrative: There is elements of wind used in the performance and the narrative which links together, the wind and the earthquake at the end of the music video could be to represent the song about battling against the elements. There is also shots used of a target looking onto the band to show how in the song the main protagonist is feeling targeted after a possible break up. The video shows people wanting the band behind a barricade, showing how the person in the song may feel at war.

Mise-en-scene: The band is in mainly black, which the main colour placement being the leads singers bright ginger hair. The other band members are wearing ties and relative smart clothes, however they have there shirts tucked out and leather jackets on. The musical instruments are slightly colours with blue. The lead singer is in black jeans and a ripped grey top sticking to the dark theme of clothing possible representing the bands own style. Haley Williams, the main female singer as shows her own personal style to by having heavy eye liner and eye shadow on, sticking to a more rock/punk theme as a band member. Behind the main guitar there is a massive amp, which could be a convention of a rock band as the amp represent the loudness of the music.

This music video:

From this music video we want to incorporate into our own by having a similar band layout, however we will include a pianist into ours as well. We also want to have similar short take shots of each band member and the band as a whole. As a group we also enjoyed the shots of the main singer, which included close ups of her lips singing in to the microphone, mid shots of her dancing to the song and low angled long shots of the singer when a slow instrumental of the song came on. 
      We also want to take away the different angled and vairety of shots of the band, making sure they are quick and firey to reflect our own music song choice of indie rock. We will also be incorporating the close up of instruments. To reflect our dark story we are going to have a dark backgroud and for the guitarist, drummer and pianist to be wearing black and the lead singer to stand out in bright colours, this is reflecting what Paramore have done with Haley Williams as her brightly coloured hair makes her obvious as the lead singer. If possible we would like to see if we can have a large amp behind the lead guitarist as this would suit the rock element in our song choice and reflect the style of the band we are going for.
      What we will not be taking away from this music video is the lack of narrative attached to it. From investigating our target audience we have found that our target group of teenagers would prefer a 50/50 narrative to preformance which this video does not offer. 

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