Wednesday 17 December 2014

Question 2

Thankyou and Goodbye!

Thank you very much for following us on our journey. It has been a roller coaster but we are really happy with the overall music video, digipak and advert that we have produced. We hope that you like them to! We have had many highs and lows in the project with locations cancelling on us and actors and actresses not turning up to shoots, however overall it has been very successful and an emotional journey of self discovery. Friends for life.

                                                                            XOXO, Utopia 

Tuesday 16 December 2014

Day Before The Ultimate Deadline Day

Today we have been adding the finishing touches to the evaluation and the blog. This includes finishing off Questions 4 and 3. We still have some video footage to add to the green screen bits of question 3. We also have some expanding to do on some of our blog posts such as analysis and adding the videos we have took of audience research from the beginning of the project. After that we we hopefully be done, lucky we all have around 4 hours of frees on deadline day and therefore will be spending them making everything a good standard of work.

Monday 15 December 2014

Evaluation Filming - Question 1

For question 1 we did a Christmas themed party. We would pick something off the tree  and on it would be a use convention, then we pulled a cracker which would have a develop convention inside that we would develop. Then inside the stocking would be a challenge convention that we would explain in further detail.

We had 3 facts for each of the music video, advert and digipak that we would develop and explain on these.

We have had a very successful shoot and tried to play around with camera shots so the evaluation can look at professional as possible. We also for our mise-en-scene had matching Christmas jumpers to stick to the Christmas theme of the evaluation.
Here are some photos from the shoot:

Sunday 14 December 2014

Evaluation Filming - Question 4

For question 4 we created a show called 'At home with Dave'. In this show all of us get interviewed by Dave (Emily's dad).
Sophie talks about the technologies that we used to plan, such as the blog, youtube, survey monkey etc. Over Sophie speaking we are going to do some quick shoots of showing all the things she mentions.
 Next is Abby and she talks about what Adobe premier and what tools and technologies we used to edit. Whilst Abby talks we have put some footage of how she does this, we show a piece of footage being edited with a purple tint.
 Emily is next to talk and talks about the construction of the digipak and advert, with the use of photoshop and indesign. Whilst she speaks we show a small bit of footage over the top to show how we used photoshop and indesign.
Lastly is Iona, she talks about the construction of the music video, and how we used cameras and all the other equipment such as the crane. Over the top of this we have shown clips of our music video to show how this was done.

Saturday 13 December 2014

Blog diary: Week 13

This week we have been concentrating on the evaluation questions.
In this time we have gone in to depth on the question answers, making sure that the content is their before we decide what creative take we would like to do. 

After getting the answers down we turned to making sure the evaluation was creative like the exam specification requested.
We came up with many ideas for each questions such as deal or no deal, big brother, interviews, news round and more.

Eventually we decided on the these sketches:
Question 1: to be christmas themes, divided into three themes of christmas to answer the three parts of the question. This includes christmas crackers, advent calanders and a game of monopoly. Since this question requires more detail and attention we decided to keep the delivery of the question relatively simple so that people would be able to understand our answers.

Question 2: is a big brother layout, with emily, Sophie and Iona starring in it and Abby being the big brother voice over and cameraman. In this we discuss how effective our main product and archillary texts were in a creative and hopefully comedic way. This week we also filmed is question and began editing it. The filming didn't take very long and we were able to get different shots such as long shots, close ups and mid shots. However today we decided that it may not be completely clear when answering the questions, because of this we have decided to add a summary section after which will summarise our effectiveness with this question, this will be filmed Monday. 

Questions 3: we have done this in the style of 'Pimp my ride' instead Pimp my music video. In this Emily presents the show and we all come on and discuss a point that our rough cut feedback thought should be improved. We have decided to do this on green screen, so we can should improves we have made as we explain how we did them. This was a successfully filmed on Thursday after school, with the filming taking 45 minutes and the editing being started on Friday.

Question 4: for this we created a show called 'Dave's life stories' in which each of us are guests on the show and we discuss our own areas of expertise in terms of the project. For it Abby discusses editing and evaluation, Iona discusses construction , Emily discusses digipak and Sophie discusses research and planning. We filmed this scene on Tuesday, with the answers planned out ready for us to say. 

When editing on Friday we noticed that we had to much footage to squeeze in to the 3 min time gap of questions 2,3 and 4. For this we have had to cut out certain answers and stick to our better answers, however we see this as a good thing as it gives us the freedom to determine what answers we want to include in the evaluation video. 
We have planned filming the final question on Monday and having and having and editing day on Tuesday in order to beat the deadline. 

Friday 12 December 2014

Friday Drop Down Day

This drop down day we had around 3 hours each to dedicate to media. For this time we decided to start editing the evaluation questions. This mainly revolved around the green screen editing of question 3. However we have already finished filming questions 2 and 4 as well. We also planned for question 1 which we have decided if possible to film in Sunday with a Christmas theme. In this planning we made labels for present tags, monopoly cards and cracker jokes all to demonstrate the use, develop and challenge question.

We also decided that in some of the questions which we tired to answer creative may not be clear, and with some time available after the big brother sketch and the life stories sketch, we decided to add a new report after highlighting what we have done to make it easier for markers to see. During our f
Three hours we planned out these scripts and plan on doing them on the green screen on Monday. 

Since questions 2 and 4 are predominately edited and nearly ready to be exported except from the summaries at the end, thus means that we only need to edit questions 1 and 3, we have decide to dedicate our Tuesday 12:30 - school closing to finishing off evaluation and blog ready for the deadline Wednesday so where not panicking at half 4.