Wednesday 3 December 2014

Final Advert

Here is the final Advert we have created. We kept the colour scheme of black red and white, that has been the same throughout the whole project. The colour red stands out against the white and black and represents love and blood throughout the music video, we have brought this convention into the advert.

The band members are all in different boxes to show their individuality as a band. Also having the photos in black and white, but the boys photos are lighter than the female singer. We have done this to show the audience that she is the main singer and the audience will understand this by having Laurens photo in the darker black and white, also having her lips red which is the only colour in both 4 photos, again showing the target audience that Lauren is the lead singer. We have placed the 'x' in the middle of the poster to bring the use of elimination from the music video to the advert, as all the band are in individual photos.

We have used notable magazines for star ratings on the advert such as NME and Q. These were chosen because our music is in this genre of alternative rock and our band would be featured in these magazines.

We used the convention of a wesbite subtly as from our reasearch and target audience feedback we found that our alternative rock genre more often than not, have websites featured on their adverts. Also we have used the conventions of having won a Brit award to show how popular our band is and that it's a typical British rock/indie band that would be linked with BBC and radio 1 such as Florence and the Machine.

Having the Evoluation of Us was chosen through our target audience. We had a survey with 3+ different names and Evoluation of Us was chosen. We decided to put it in between 2 lines for sophistication and give an understanding that Utopia isn't a childrens band, the target audience are teens/young adults. Also to make the readers eyes be drawn so they know what album it is, and to keep it simple.

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