Thursday 4 December 2014

Blog diary: Week 12

This week we had the deadline for the digipak and adverts on Wednesday 3rd December. We finished well before deadline as we have been planning our digipak and adverts well before the music video deadline. We used the deadline day in order to make specific finishIng touches. However We encountered a few problems with getting the band photos. After asking in advanced we had planned on getting the photos on the tuesday, a day for deadline day. This was the only date that the whole band were available due to work and other commitments. However we had already decided we wanted a band photo with Lauren at the front colourfully dresses and with red lips. On the Tuesday though only two of the band members turned up and the others became difficult to get a hold of. Due to this we had to make a decision to just get photos of Lauren that day, with a mid shot and some long shots of her. We then took photos of the other 3 band members on Wednesday in our free time, since we had done the rest of the digipak apart from the photos.

Both of these photo shoots had gone successfully, even if we weren't able to get a whole band photo. We did have to change our advert layout completely because of this, however it worked out successfully due to the advert reflecting more of the alternative rock style of the band, through the use of four separate images. 

After deadline day passed we starting writing out our evaluation answers, after receiving the questions I'm Friday's lessons. We have decided to write out the answers first and then write out the scripts for how we are going to present them. We also have decided filming day with questions 2 and 4 being filmed on Tuesday at Emily's house. 

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