Sunday 14 December 2014

Evaluation Filming - Question 4

For question 4 we created a show called 'At home with Dave'. In this show all of us get interviewed by Dave (Emily's dad).
Sophie talks about the technologies that we used to plan, such as the blog, youtube, survey monkey etc. Over Sophie speaking we are going to do some quick shoots of showing all the things she mentions.
 Next is Abby and she talks about what Adobe premier and what tools and technologies we used to edit. Whilst Abby talks we have put some footage of how she does this, we show a piece of footage being edited with a purple tint.
 Emily is next to talk and talks about the construction of the digipak and advert, with the use of photoshop and indesign. Whilst she speaks we show a small bit of footage over the top to show how we used photoshop and indesign.
Lastly is Iona, she talks about the construction of the music video, and how we used cameras and all the other equipment such as the crane. Over the top of this we have shown clips of our music video to show how this was done.

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