Saturday 13 December 2014

Blog diary: Week 13

This week we have been concentrating on the evaluation questions.
In this time we have gone in to depth on the question answers, making sure that the content is their before we decide what creative take we would like to do. 

After getting the answers down we turned to making sure the evaluation was creative like the exam specification requested.
We came up with many ideas for each questions such as deal or no deal, big brother, interviews, news round and more.

Eventually we decided on the these sketches:
Question 1: to be christmas themes, divided into three themes of christmas to answer the three parts of the question. This includes christmas crackers, advent calanders and a game of monopoly. Since this question requires more detail and attention we decided to keep the delivery of the question relatively simple so that people would be able to understand our answers.

Question 2: is a big brother layout, with emily, Sophie and Iona starring in it and Abby being the big brother voice over and cameraman. In this we discuss how effective our main product and archillary texts were in a creative and hopefully comedic way. This week we also filmed is question and began editing it. The filming didn't take very long and we were able to get different shots such as long shots, close ups and mid shots. However today we decided that it may not be completely clear when answering the questions, because of this we have decided to add a summary section after which will summarise our effectiveness with this question, this will be filmed Monday. 

Questions 3: we have done this in the style of 'Pimp my ride' instead Pimp my music video. In this Emily presents the show and we all come on and discuss a point that our rough cut feedback thought should be improved. We have decided to do this on green screen, so we can should improves we have made as we explain how we did them. This was a successfully filmed on Thursday after school, with the filming taking 45 minutes and the editing being started on Friday.

Question 4: for this we created a show called 'Dave's life stories' in which each of us are guests on the show and we discuss our own areas of expertise in terms of the project. For it Abby discusses editing and evaluation, Iona discusses construction , Emily discusses digipak and Sophie discusses research and planning. We filmed this scene on Tuesday, with the answers planned out ready for us to say. 

When editing on Friday we noticed that we had to much footage to squeeze in to the 3 min time gap of questions 2,3 and 4. For this we have had to cut out certain answers and stick to our better answers, however we see this as a good thing as it gives us the freedom to determine what answers we want to include in the evaluation video. 
We have planned filming the final question on Monday and having and having and editing day on Tuesday in order to beat the deadline. 

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