Friday 12 December 2014

Friday Drop Down Day

This drop down day we had around 3 hours each to dedicate to media. For this time we decided to start editing the evaluation questions. This mainly revolved around the green screen editing of question 3. However we have already finished filming questions 2 and 4 as well. We also planned for question 1 which we have decided if possible to film in Sunday with a Christmas theme. In this planning we made labels for present tags, monopoly cards and cracker jokes all to demonstrate the use, develop and challenge question.

We also decided that in some of the questions which we tired to answer creative may not be clear, and with some time available after the big brother sketch and the life stories sketch, we decided to add a new report after highlighting what we have done to make it easier for markers to see. During our f
Three hours we planned out these scripts and plan on doing them on the green screen on Monday. 

Since questions 2 and 4 are predominately edited and nearly ready to be exported except from the summaries at the end, thus means that we only need to edit questions 1 and 3, we have decide to dedicate our Tuesday 12:30 - school closing to finishing off evaluation and blog ready for the deadline Wednesday so where not panicking at half 4. 

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