Wednesday 10 December 2014

Evaluation Filming - Question 2

For question 2 we have done a Big Brother theme. This was the plan for it:

Iona: I don't get it

Soph: How can you not get it? *speaking about the light and dark of the music video and what it represents*

Emily: *speaks about the representation of the colour scheme*

Iona: *I don't get it*

Abby is the voice over for this question and pretends to be big brother.

For the first bit we are having a debate in the front room of the house and when Emily walks out it changes to the diary room of big brother. We wanted this to be creative and fun for people to watch but we made sure that we answered the question correctly.

We have also decided to add a summary to this video to ensure that people watching understand the points that we made and that they are put clear and concise to the audience.

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