Thursday 11 December 2014

Evaluation Filming - Question 3

We used the theme of Pimp My Ride for Question 3 and turn it into Pimp My Music Video. Emily was the host and Iona, Abby and Sophie were the concerned target audience giving feedback from the rough cut, with an extra Abby.

Iona spoke about how she didn't understand the use of the cage and how people got there. Emily pimped the music by having add more cage footage and showing how the culperates were led to the cage.

Sophie spoke about how she didn't think the protagonist was very psychotic. Emily changed this by having falshing lights while she was having an outburst and having the purple tint to create an uncomfortable tone.

Abbie spoke about how she didn't understand the narrative. Emily made this more clear by having writing on the scrap book explaining why she wanted to capture these people and put them in the cage.

Abby spoke about the band performance and how it was spaced out, they didnt really look like a band. How the floor didnt go well with the tone of song or genre. Emily sorted this out by having leaves all over the floor so it wasnt visable and brought the outside in, relating to the cage. Emily also changed the band around and made them close together, again fitting the genre. She also changed the band around making them more suitable for the different instruments.

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