Friday 14 November 2014

Blog Diary: Week 9

This week we have been filming all week in preparation for the final cut deadline.
On Monday we filmed a lot of Abby's bits involving the scrapbook and paint. However as a group we decided not to film any of Abby ripping the scrapbook or destroying any of the props until after we are happy with all the Abby shots we have, as we don't want to have to remake the prop...again.

We also tried to film the band on Tuesday, however there were complications, which involved us not being able to have as much time as we would have liked to spend on the band. However because of these complications we have been able to see our band footage that we were able to take on the Tuesday and we have decided specific lighting that we want on the band. We also were able to see how we wanted to dress up the location we are using for the band more, this will involve us gathering leaves to cover the floor in and dressing up the back of the location in clocks to represent the time aspect of the song.

We also this week have looked into more detail on the digi pak and adverts and we are already planning when to shoot the band for both and what we would like on them. This making it easier for us to create both of the digipak and adverts as we have thought in great detail about what we might want also comparing to our analysis's.

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