Tuesday 18 November 2014

New Location and Ideas

Today we have decided that we are using a new location which is the mausoleum in Seaton Deleval, this place will be 'Abby's den' where we will include the corkboard and her scrapbook. At this place we will film Abby going mad, crying and laughing to show how mentally ill she is. We will also be filming one of our new ideas we have had, which includes Abby holding the apple and using it as  'voodoo doll' that controls the boy she is in love with. We will be taking the crane with us to get some establishing shots, to improve out music video as we didn't have any of these shots in our rough cut. The location of this goes with our theme of nature within the video, it is also quite a creepy looking place which also goes with the theme of our video.

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