Sunday 16 November 2014

Added Apple Scene

We decided that we needed to add more into the music video to portray the main protagonist as a psychopath. We also recieved feedback that we needed to do more with the apple metaphor and portray it as a sin. When thinking we thought about making the apple a voodoo scene, with the main protagonist controlling people with the apple. To make the scene more clearer for us to film we made up a storyboard.

A mid shot of the main protagonist (Abby) with the apple in focus. Then we hope to do a focus pull to bring Abby and the apple into focus. This showing that the apple will have relevance in the sequence that is about to take place and show the apples control over the people. Main thing the mid shot with a slight close up of the apple, Abby will grip the apple tightly with a evil expression in her eyes.

A lead in the cage, who will be made clear in the scrapbook and cage scenes, will then grip his head tightly demonstrating the apples voodoo power on the boy, who will also look in pain. 

Abby will then turn the apple slowly in her hands, staring eerily at the camera while doing so. The camera will turn to a slight low angle mid show again, just wanting Abby and the apple in the shot to highlight there power. 

The final voodoo scene will go back to the victim, who will then twist his head in pain as Abby is moving the apple in the palm of her hand. We have decided due to the apple representing sin, this could show how the main protagonist has sinned in what she is doing, but also the people she has captured have sinned as well, with the apple having ultimate power.

After these scenes we plan a quick jump cut or the cage, showing the boy now in the cage. This scene is to mainly highlight the main protagonist as someone who is crazy.

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