Tuesday 11 November 2014

The Influence Of The X

When mentioning that we wanted to use an X in our digipak, advert and logo many people instantly made comparisons to the XX and Ed Sheeran's new album entitled X. However instead of leaving the idea, we thought the X reflected our band as well so we decided to study the two comparisons to try and use them to our advantage and to make sure we use the X in a different way, reflecting our own bands house style.

Ed sheeran uses a different styled X to the band the XX already. He also adds a border around it to make the X looks worn and old, this reflecting Ed Sheeran's new but classic songs that he creates. The X is also dominant and positioned on the front of CD cover, something that we weren't planning on doing. His colour scheme being Green, black and white shows a different genre to the alternative rock that we are needing to represent. However we do like how the X has been edited with and we are considering how we can do this with our X in order to make it show our own band house style. 
The XX use a smaller X, this X however represents the bands logo, with a different colour in the X being used for each album they create. We like how the XX fill there X's however we want to use a lot larger and wider X, which most likely will have our band name through it. This X is also positioned on the front of the digipak or advert.

We are mostly likely going to use the X on the back/CD of the digipak and with it behind the bands name in the logo. This making the X be in completely different positions to our comparisons. However from analysing these we have seen that we can make the X our own and add a spin on it that represents the band more. 

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