Sunday 30 November 2014

Digipak and Advert- Audience Feedback

 After getting 15 people to take the online survey, here is the results of the survey. Since this is from the perspective of the target audience we will be taking this feedback seriously and will consider all of it when creating the digipak and advert.
As you can see many of the target audiences wanted to see the lead singer on the front of the Digipak. This resembling bands like Florence and the Machine and Marina and the Diamonds. For our digipak and advert shoot we are going to take photos of the band and of the singer individually and see what looks best after the Photoshop process. However we are going to take into consideration that the key demographic want the lead singer, therefore we will do more research in to shots of lead singers and how we can take the photo of the lead singer to look dominant and a key figure in the band.

Majority of the target audience wanted the logo on the top of the advert. We have many ideas drawn out for the advert with different scenarios of where the logos are. However many people like to stick to the convention of the logo on the top of the page. We will definitely consider this when it comes to creating the final draft of the digipak, as we haven't decided if we want to stick to conventions for challenge them in this part of the advert. 

Many people think black and white images for an alternative rock band would look very effective on the advert. We thought this to as the black and white reflects the rock genre rather well and can also reflect a sense of mystery of that the band and sticks to the dark theme that we are portraying. We will definitely consider this for when we make the final advert as the target audience has requested this. 

Overall the names were rather split between the target audience. Evolution of Us was an overall favourite however it was close behind by all the names. As a team we like best the Evolution of Us as we feel this reflects the bands evolution which could be in music style of there own life, as the music will reflect this and also reflect the bands debut album. We feel the other names reflect more of a rock genre and not the alternative side to it which is why we have decided to call the album 'Evolution of Us' as we feel this reflects the bands house style well. 

Majority of the target audience thinks that the band should be included in the advert. We as a group agree and want to show the whole band on the front of the advert. We aren't sure how we are going to picture the band yet and which location we should take them, however us and the target audience agree that the whole band should be introduced in the advert. 

Our key demographic have agreed that the colours Black. white and red should be used throughout the digipak and advert. A lot of the target audience we asked have all ready seen the music video and therefore have recognised the key colours used in it, which are Red, black and white. We feel these colours show the rock side to the band and using them throughout will mean the colours become more associated with the band. 

Finally a considerable amount of the target audience thought that a red cross should be shown on the back of the content page. Originally wanting to put this on the front of the digipak we had t change our ideas fast due to the release of Ed Sheeran's album entitles 'X'. Because of comparisons to this and the XX we wanted to move the X, a key part of our music video and the bands logo, to the back instead meaning that the band can still be represented through the X and not have as many comparisons to the other artists. 

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