Friday 28 November 2014

Blog Diary: Week 11

This week we have been editing tirelessly in preparation for deadline day. However we have soon realised how much we needed to edit, as a lot of our shots are only 1-2 seconds long. Meaning we have a lot of footage to rifle through and determine what would look best in the final music video. On Tuesday we pulled a 6 hour shift of editing, with Abby being the head editor and the rest of us pitching in ideas of where we think things should go and what footage looks best.

On deadline day we had already edited around half of the video, however we underestimated just how long it would take us to edit the other half as we raced against the deadline all day to the finish the video. Our main priorities was making sure that the video went with the beat of the music, expressed it's creepy narrative and was in focus. We feel we have reached these targets for the videos and we hope that people enjoy what we have created.

On Thursday we looked more into our digipak and advert and decided where we wanted to take the photos - which is Iona's back garden. We want the digipak and advert to reflect the alternative rock that our bands music is and also the bands house style. We have decided to incorporate leaves into the digipak, as these reflect something old and fallen but re grow into something new, which could be reflecting the music that will be on the album and how we are introducing a new band.

We have had a problem organising when we can take photos of the band as there availability for all of them together is becoming difficult to organise. However we have decided on Tuesday, which is last minute due to the deadline, however we know what we want the photos to look like and the templates are finished, so we hope that it is just a case of editing the photos and placing them in the correct space.  

We also have been planning our evaluation, which we have decided to make fun and creative relating music to it through out. We are still in the process of writing out the answers in detail, as we do want them to be intelligent responses about our video. 

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