Sunday 23 November 2014

Final Logo Design

 For the logo we have used our signature X, however to make it suit the rock genre more we have added an effect around the cross to make it have the spray painted feel. For the 'UTOPIA' front, we decided that a bold and large font would standout out against the red X and the black circle, it also makes the name recognisable as audiences would notice the bold serif writing of UTOPIA straight away. We have also decided to stick to our colour scheme Red, Black and White, choosing the colour scheme as our target audience decided it would be best for our genre, after target audience feedback.

We have drew many logos, with us working with shapes such as triangles and eyes. However we decided using the X represented the rock genre better, as it is used throughout the music video, we thought that it would be good to have the X as a double meaning within the music video - representing elimination and the bands house style. We also stick to the colour scheme of Red, Black and White, which our target audience had decided within the previous survey.

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