Wednesday 29 October 2014

Blog Diary: Half Term Holiday

During the half term holiday we have been looking at locations to do the band scene in, in which we have organised with the band which will be shoot on Tuesday 11th of November. We have also been sorting out props such as the cork board and scrap book for the main protagonist that we will be filming on Monday 3rd, Tuesday 4th and Friday 7th November,

We have also booked in for the camera and equipment on Monday 10th and Tuesday the 11th, in order to film band bits.

Over the holidays as well we have also decided how we are going to decorate the band set, something which was suggested in feedback. We have decided that we are going to have clocks on the back ground of the stage, and we have also gathered permission off the drama department to borrow one of there old clock props which would look perfect in our band location.

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