Monday 20 October 2014

Luther Influence and Research

To try and demonstrate the main protagonist as a psychopath we did a lot of research into how psychopaths are shown in tv dramas such as Luther. This particular character is shown a lot through the Luther series. Through it we looked at the different shots and angles used and we tried to see if we could include these in our own music video.
We have already decided to use the apple in the music video, to reflect sin of not only the main protagonist but also the people who she is capturing and taking to the cage. The use of the focus pull in the apple in this shot shows that this protagonist has committed a sin. The use of mise-en-scene is unusual to other research we have done as the protagonist is wearing normal clothing, highlighting her as a seemingly normal person but audiences most likely no her psychopathic tendencies.

The mid shots and focus shots of the character makes sure the audiences are looking at her and her facial expresses as these are what show her crazy tendencies. The last shot which shows the apple coming into focus gives the reflect that this protagonist has sinned, something that we want to portray in the music video as well. The apple is especially red to, which is important in the description of the garden of Eden. 

This shot now focuses on the apple, which shows that something bad is going to happen. Most importantly the facial expression of the protagonist after shows a sinister side to the character, shown by only her being in focus. From this we have learnt that showing our main protagonist in deep focus adds emphasis on the sinister side of the character which shows to audiences that she is planning something, which is reflected through the apple.

This is a quick shot scene which shows e protagonist mood changing quickly and it is demonstrated through close ups and quick editing. We hope to replicate this sudden facial expression changes in our music video which out main protagonist looking normal then angry then sad, which we have planned in our animatics. 

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