Tuesday 28 October 2014

Rough Cut Feedback Analysis

In the feedback presentation we have shown what people liked about our rough cut and what people didn't like.

From the rough cut these are the immediate decisions we have made:

I (Emily Wright) have been taken out of the band due to bad performance in the rough cut. We have replaced me with Jamie Fletcher who will be on the drums, and we have moved the drummer to the keyboard that will feature in the final cut.

We have decided to keep the lead singer as many people agreed that she suited the song. We have also decided to keep her in the same clothes as they suited the band genre. However people have said that she needed to move around more and get more into the song. To improve the singer we have choreographed certain bits of the song in which movements we want her to make. We have also found the singer to be nervous at the start of filming, to prevent this we may get her in earlier than the rest of the band and do run through with her to make her feel more comfortable and get into the song more before the rest of the band arrive.

Many people liked the element of the cage. Because of this we are adding in more cage bits, which will pop up throughout the song to add that mystery factor. We also are adding in bits of Abby by the cage in day time to show how she has set it up.

We are also going to do a quick scene on showing Abby pushing people in to the cage,showing how she did it. We have also purchased latex which will make bruises and cuts on victims more realistic. We have also improved props to make it more obvious why the main protagonist is targeting these people and to show her obsessive nature.

We have also changed the actress in the woods of the rough cut, this is through complaints in the feedback, We have changed the actress with Bethany Carr, who is more likely to take the roll more seriously and look more realistic.

Many people in the feedback said they understood the motifs. However there were a couple of comments that said they had to be more obvious to the audience, because of this we are still deciding on weather to keep the apple motif within the music video, but we are continuing with the chain motif as this is something that relates more to the song.

Ideas we received: 

From the rough cut we received an ending idea for the song. This was for the main protagonist to paint an 'X' into the lens, staring directly into the camera. We liked this idea as throughout the music video the main protagonist does looking into the camera for a brief moment, as we thought this showed her to be more crazy and obsessive. Doing this at the end can continue to show the menacing side of her and leave the audience more scared or curious as to what she is going to do next.

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