Friday 17 October 2014

Blog Diary: Week 5

This week we have contained filming. We filmed in the Quarry at night which was very dark and rather scary. However there was a disaster in the fact all site lights and LEDs had been booked out and we had no lights to light up the cage in the dark. Instead we all grabbed torches and placed them in trees, making the cage look like it had been lit up by the moon and creates a spot light on the cage which surprisingly looked really good- however after the rough cut deadline we will most likely re film the cage scene with the proper lightning however aim for the same effect of the spot light on the cage. The footage came out really good but was rather grainy, since then we have asked for advice on how to make the footage look less grainy and how we can control the lighting on the footage so hopefully when we continue you fill the shots will be better.

We also have filmed parts of the main protagonist scene, which are all filmed in a low lighting. We in this time made the cork board and scrap book. In this scene it shows Abby - as the main character - looking creepy and dark representing her as a bad character in the narrative. Filming went successfully as we asked for advice on how to light up the cork board. The only thing that could have improved filming was if there was more of the camera equipment available. This includes the shoulder mount and dolly, however we will for the final cut make sure we book the equipment out in time in order to add more professional looking shots to the footage we have already taken.

This week we also booked our studio to film the band performance. This means that we will be booking the studios for Monday 20th of October. We have already sent the band an e-,mail requesting them on what they wear and to learn the song. We have viewed the studio and noticed how professional it could become when we have the dark cloth other the room. The studio has also all the equipment in it which makes it easier for us bringing equipment to the studios. The studio also provides a sound booth which means we can record scene of Lauren - our main singer in the booth.

For next week we are filming the band performance and the last little bits of Chloe another main character, who we also filmed on Monday at the Quarry. We are also currently doing editing in order to finish the rough cut in time for Wednesday.

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