Monday 6 October 2014

Regina Spektor - Advert Analysis

From looking at the Regina Spektor advert you can see that she has a colour scheme of red white and black that is alternative, also having gold and grey featured within. This is conventional because it's the typical colour scheme for alternatie rock genre, although it has been altered and made more lighthearted with the other colours. Regina has been placed in the centre of the page, this has been done so it's the first thing the target audience eyes are drawn to, and straight away they will know it's a Regina Spektor advert. They will also know this by having the name 'Regina Spektor' in think red writing, again having the audienced draw their eyes straight to this aswell. As the use of red isn't the main colour the audience eyes will turn to whatever is red, they have done this to make the features stand out first. There are all the basic conventions of an advert such as a bold date, which is easy to see, so that the audience don't have to stand for ages reading. The information has been simplified for them. The song title has been put in the colour of gold, which is one of the only gold features on the advert. This has been done so that again it stands out to thet audience and they know which song the advert is about straight away, so it's very recognisable.
From looking at this Regina Spektor advert we will use the conventions of having the colour scheme black white and red, which is typical for an alternative rock band. Although they have added the gold in for a lighter effect we will keep it basic with black, white and red to emphasise the rock. Although Regina's image is in colour, we are going to have our's in black and white or subtly having it in colour with the main features of the face bold, like the eyes and lips. This convention has been used on the advert, but we would only do this on the female singer, so that she stands out more, being the lead. also keeping with the red lips, to eep with the colour scheme and the blue eyes, to give the poster some light, as the band aren't as hardcore as 'Bring Me The Horizon' which new fans think it might be. We will also keep the information simplified as the target audience won't want to be reading for ages, they will want the most important information put infront of them with no effort to read. We will also keep the band name or album name extra bold for it to stand out more.

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