Monday 20 October 2014

Paramore: Digipak Analysis

From looking at Paramore's Digi Pak they have used conventions of having the band together, in the center of the front cover. As the female is the only female in the band and is also the lead singer she is in the middle of the image to emphases that she is the main member. Also they have used the album name to cover the whole of the album, making the target audience remember the album and get it stuck into their heads. They have used a typical rock genre colour scheme or black and white, and then another added colour, which in this case is orange. To represent that they aren't as hard core as 'Bring Me The Horizon' or 'Slipknot', they are alternative rock and not screamo. Orange is also the associated colour with the band Paramore as the lead singer has bright orange hair and that's their style and makes them recognisable as a band, what they are known for. They have kept the images in black and white which is another convention of rock genre albums from our research. It's to keep the album simple and fresh, while only having one bright colour featured to keeps it in with the genre. Its unconventional to have all the band members so close together and touching each other, like Paramore on the back of the CD cover. As they have a female in their band this is showing the femanine side of the band, relating to the target audience of the females who fancy the male band members and the females who want to be Haley (main singer).
The way the front of the CD looks scribbled on and hand written adds a personal touch to the cover as it does look like the band has designed the front cover themselves. On the back the constant words RIOT! express the rock side of the band and surround the album tracks, which looks like a lot of words, which shows the 'in your face' style that rock bands are usually associated with. The use of the barcode and copyrights put in subtly is a convention of the alternative rock genre and having them discretely placed, mixing in with the colour scheme as the target audience won't be interested but they have to been there.
From this Paramore Digipak we will use the conventions of having a black, white and 'bright coloured' colour scheme. The colour we want to use with our project is red, as typically thats the rock genre colours - normally. We will keep these colours throughout the whole project. For our music video we want a female singer also and will take the conventions of having her placed in the centre, with the male band around her. We also want to keep the images in black and white to keep in with the alternative rock genre, and draw attention to the other things in colour first such as the band name and logo, so the target audience know straight away what/who the poster will be about. We were thinking of having our lead singer (female) in a different lighting to the others, in order to make her stand out more than the other band members as she's the main member, and like Paramore the boys will fancy her and the girls will want to be her. We will also have our barcode placed subtly on the back cover, camouflaging it within the colour scheme, as the target audience don't want to see it but it's a convention that must be there.

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