Friday 10 October 2014

Music Video Analysis:All the rowboats - Regina Spektor

This is song is by the artist who also is the artist of the song we are using for our music video.

The start of the video portrays the artist being a bit weird, she is tied up with rope and it is shot in the night time, this is similar to what we want our video to look like as we want to portray the main girl to be crazy and there will be times were people are 'chained up' and most of it will be shot in the dark to add the effect of the video being creepy psychotic. 
The video has a lot of quick shots that jump between the narrative and the performance, these shots go with the beat of the music, because our song is fast we will also have a lot of quick shots that jump between both the narrative and the performance, but our performance will have more of a story line to it, as the performance in this music video is linked with the narrative.
This music video is well edited with split screens and different transitions and slow motions, even though the song is very different to Regina Spektors other songs, the ue of transitions is something we are considering as it may suit certain parts of our narrative, the use of slow motion is effective and is something that we could incorporate into our own as we want to show different slow emotions of the main protagionst on the slower part of the song. However the use of split screen that Regina Spektor uses more reflect this particular song and not the song that we have chosen. 
The performance camera angles are all close ups and medium shots to represent the singer and her feminine beauty as she is the lead in both the narrative and the performance, we will definitely include these shots in both our performance and narrative  but will use a range of more angles as we have a full band and this performance is only one person.
The mise en scene in this music video is plain and simple, the artist is wearing plain black clothing, although her makeup and hair stand out, as she has dark eyeshadow and large hair. For our music video we want our singer to wear quite styleish but alternitive clothing such as a fur coat and doc martins, but we want our narrative actor to wear quite plain clothes but have dark lips and dark eyes similar to this music video. For this music video there is no real setting or location as its just a black or white colouring behind the singer, this reflecting the song which is slower placed than other songs we have analysed. The song is very futuristic aswell, which is why their issue of quirky lighting and background images, to show the futuristic and quirky side to the song and music video. For our music video we are having a range of locations which include a studio for the performance side and a forest, house and walkways for the narrative, as this reflects our song more. However we do want to follow the conventions that this music video sets.
At the end of this music video it reverses back to the start of it which is a clever feature in a music, we did have the idea to do this as its such a clever feature but then we changed our idea and are no longer doing it, although in time this could change again.

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