Wednesday 8 October 2014

Paramore: Advert Analysis

Another advert we have chosen to analyse is this Paramore poster. The use of the shaping in the bands stance is very stereotypical of rock bands. Staring off with the main singer in the centre and other members evolving around her. It is also common for the band to be predominantly male, whereas on this advert they have done this, but contradicted it by making the lead and mostly only vocalist a female. The use of dark yellows and blacks portrays the darkness and rock in their music and storylines, but with having an angelic butterfly lightens this advert up more and lets the target audience there is a softer side to the rock. The butterfly is also featured on the hips of the female main vocalist showing that she brings the lightness and tentatively to the group, as stereotypically that’s what females do. The title font is simple yet affective, as its bright yellow on a black background; this makes the band name stand out straight away.  From this poster we will take the formation of the band, as also our lead singer will be a female and we want to emphasise that as its rock/indie bands are normally predominantly men.  We will also be using the connotations of darkness with a lighter colour to show that the band is dark and storylines can be sinister but that’s not what the bands all about, there is also a joyous moment and can be happy storyline’s, but our colour will be a deep dark red. The use of the butterfly softens the whole poster giving it a lighter feel than most rock bands, showing that they aren’t screamo and as hard core. We will also use the simple title, so the readers will be attracted to that straight away and keep in with the colour scheme. 

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